Recommended resources’ will be updated at least 1-2x per month.
You will be sent a reminder email about when updated ‘resources’ are available.
This page will also list the moSt recent ‘Recommended resource’, as well as past ‘resources’ that you can gain instant access to.
The most recent ‘Recommended Resource’ will be released on:
May 15th, 2021
More details about can be found here —> Resource Details
Past ‘Recommended Resources’ can be found below:
Resource released on April 30th
Resource Released on April 15th
The purpose of these resources is to help enhance your health, and overall quality of life!
These helpful resources…
Nicely complement and reinforce the 'practices' and 'principles' that you learn about in the ‘Health Raisers Academy’.
Are ones that Dr. SAM either 'personally uses', and/or that he 'highly recommends' (which may help you on your ‘Health Raiser’ path!).
Have been researched, tried, and tested, prior to recommendation.
Are NOT absolutely necessary, but can often enhance overall progress and success if utilized correctly.
Are often very affordable – as Dr. SAM
believes that good quality 'health care' should be this way!
Much Love,
‘Dr. S.A.M.’ — ‘The Health Raiser!’