Here’s some info for: Red Light, SOMA BRATH, Health Raiser Song

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the Health Raiser Song! >>> Download it Here

Red Light Info Here:

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*Note: Therabulb does sell a clamp lamp on their site, BUT the clamp lamps you can buy online or at Home Depot are made better and more sturdy.

Make sure to GET a wattage that matches the bulb. For example, if you buy a 300 Watt bulb, you need a housing that is rated at 300 watts. (A 150 or 250 Watt bulb could be used in a 300 Watt housing as well, which is why it’s probably best to just get a clamp lamp rated at 300 Watt. That way, any of the bulbs will work in it.

If you want to spend more money on a fancier lamp stand, you can find that here >>> Lamp Stand

The rating on this stand is 275 Watts max, so you CAN”T use a 300 Watt bulb in this stand. It would have to be the 250 Watt bulb.

To get the SOMA Daily Dose meditation as a .mp3 file, you can download it here >>> SOMA

This meditation will be similar to the group experience we had at the potluck!

If you want to learn more about SOMA, you can go here to get a Free Mini Course: SOMA Breath