Dealing with Challenging Times of Global Chaos!

We are definitely dealing with interesting times right now. More than ever, a ‘spiritual practice’ may help to keep you happy, healthy, and whole. It's not a form of escapism, but rather just the opposite. It allows you to take full responsibility for what you create, moment-to-moment in your life.

In the midst of challenging times, there are some simple, but profound steps we can follow to help make the planet a better place now, as well as in the future once this is all over.

One of the keys is definitely...


Just taking a few quiet minutes a day to reflect with love toward what we want for the world is a powerful practice. When you feel as though you can't 'do' much, remember your role as a member of this planet's collective consciousness. Focusing on our spiritual practice and how we can help others, we feel empowered to leave a positive mark, rather than discouraged by what we can’t control.

The video below will explain more…

Spiritual practices could include: yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, meditation, conscious breathwork, art, music, dance, journaling, etc.

Which one is best? The one you will do!

May you be blessed, and healthy during these times!



You are invited to join the Raw Food Mastery Summit 2020!

My interview will be coming up soon on April 26th.

Just click the link below to claim your spot.

Free Raw Food Mastery Summit


In this FREE Event, you will learn:

* Simple success strategies to implement a raw food and plant-based diet in the real world!

* How the experts apply 'raw food and health principles' vs. points of individual flexibility!

* The 'seldom discussed' components of raw plant-based diets that have been game-changing for those who have time-tested them!

* Awesome Mindset Strategies for creating successful, highly effective, sustainable approaches to raw food and plant-based eating and positive health transformation!

I’m so excited to be part of this unprecedented event and invite you to join us as well!

Again, you can find more details here:
Free Raw Food Mastery Summit

In loving service,